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Wedding in Nuku'Alofa

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Wedding in Nuku'Alofa
$22.00 Home use
$44.00 Schools, Hospitals, Institutes, Churches, Community Groups
$180.00 Federal & State Libraries, Universities, Government Departments
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Delivery within Australia: $14.00 per unit plus $4.50 each additional unit

International delivery: $25.00 per unit plus $8.00 each additional unit

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Tonga is the last remaining Polynesian Kingdom in the South Pacific and when the eldest grand-daughter of Their Majesties King Taufa’ahu Tupou IV and Queen Halaevalu Mata’aho marries, it is a very important occasion.

Wedding in Nuklu’alofa captures the dazzling colour and pageantry of traditional ceremonies and celebrations over a period of ten days. Distinguished guests from Fiji, Samoa, Aotearoa, Hawaii and the Cook Islands demonstrate the ancestral blood ties and shared kinship of their past history. In a rapidly changing world, it is impossible to know when these customs may be seen again. (2003)

Format: DVD      Running time: 42 min