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The Land and the Legends

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$22.00 Home use
$44.00 Schools, Hospitals, Institutes, Churches, Community Groups
$180.00 Federal & State Libraries, Universities, Government Departments
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Delivery within Australia: $14.00 per unit plus $4.50 each additional unit

International delivery: $25.00 per unit plus $8.00 each additional unit

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This DVD records the traditional Installation of a Paramount Chief on the island of Gau, and features legends from the islands of Kadavu, Taveuni, Vatulele - and the meaning of "vanua".

Fiji – the Land and the Legends presents intriguing stories which reveal the rich cultural heritage of Fiji.

It captures the grand spectacle of Fijian custom and tradition at the installation of a Paramount Chief plus myths from Kadavu, Taveuni and Vatulele.

It speaks especially of Pio Manoa’s poetic description of "vanua", and then the mystery of ‘octopus of the night’.

Format: DVD      Running time: 75 minutes