About Juniper
Ian 'James' Wilson with cast and crew, Solomon Islands
Having made their first film in Samoa in the seventies, Juniper Films has developed a special relationship with the South Pacific region.
Juniper Films initiated many of their projects with commissions from the ABC, SBS Television Australia, TVNZ and national and international governments.
Juniper has its own production and post-production facilities and has worked successfully with many executive producers in Australia and New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and USA. Juniper also acted as executive producers for an EU funded documentary series, plus educational and tourist promotional films in the South Pacific.
One of Juniper’s films, Le Village, Un Village had the rare distinction of being acquired by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their overseas embassies.
Juniper was appointed Approved Contract Producers to AUSAID.
Juniper has a vast and comprehensive resource of films and stills on the traditions, culture and myths of the South Pacific and has a wide range of recent and historical events and scenic stills of this area.
Who we are

John D. Tristram and Ian James Wilson established the Juniper Films partnership in the 1970s with their film on the first Papal visit to the South Pacific.
At the request of the Government at that time, they remained in Samoa to produce the country’s first Tourism promotional film which won the PATA Grand Film Award the following year.
Thereafter followed commissions from the Governments of Tonga, Fiji, and New Zealand – and more prestigious international film awards.
Juniper established a base in London for six years and produced a series of films in Europe and Africa for the New Zealand Education Board. All of these films sold to television world wide.
In the 1980s Juniper Films focused on arts programs for television in Australia and continued to produce films and teaching resources for the New Zealand Education Department.
Two major television series, Pacifica and Oceania, took Juniper back to the Pacific in the 1990s and by the new millennium, the Samoan Government co-produced with Juniper the first documentary on the history of their country.
There followed further television Arts programmes and a return to Samoa in 2012 to produce a two hours DVD programme in celebration of Samoa's 50th Anniversary of lndependence. The DVD includes excerpts from the film Juniper produced in 1972 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Independence.
What we do
Juniper Films produce documentaries from their own original ideas.
The company also produces and develops documentaries from selected proposals submitted to them. Focus areas are the South Pacific, culture and the Arts.
Extensive travels and lengthy location work have produced a huge bank of professional class stills.
Specialist DVDs are being produced from Juniper’s early footage with injections of new material.