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Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man

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Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man
$22.00 Home use
$44.00 Schools, Hospitals, Institutes, Churches, Community Groups
$180.00 Federal & State Libraries, Universities, Government Departments
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Delivery within Australia: $14.00 per unit plus $4.50 each additional unit

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At the age of 101 years, Desiderius Orban was still immersed in creativity and art. He forgot how to grow old.

Forced to leave Hungary in 1939, Orban arrived in Australia and embarked on a new life at an age when most think of retiring. In the following 48 years, he reinstated himself as an artist and teacher of distinction. Orban’s forthright views on art, his reminiscences of Hungary, his early career in Paris and his discovery of Zen at the age of 70, is delivered with remarkable lucidity. Filmed in Australia with dramatisations in Budapest and Paris, Portrait is a human interest story and a celebration of the life force that creativity can bring at any age. (1985)

Format: DVD      Running time: 54 min