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Memory Tree

The controversial Art of David Boyd

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Memory Tree
$29.00 Home use
$79.00 Schools, Hospitals, Institutes, Churches, Community Groups
$270.00 Federal & State Libraries, Universities, Government Departments
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Delivery within Australia: $14.00 per unit plus $4.50 each additional unit

International delivery: $25.00 per unit plus $8.00 each additional unit

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This film reveals the thinking and working of a powerful and controversial artist, born in 1924 into a family of famous artists. This is David Boyd.

David Boyd's parents were complex human beings who had a profound effect on his imagery and remarkable skills. His unique language of symbols invoke potent imagery for his series, 'The Explorers', 'The Tasmanians' and 'Church and State' (Spain) during his years in Europe.  His dramatic series, 'The Trial' vividly illustrates Boyd's continuing fight against injustice. (2003)

Format: DVD      Running time: 52 min